

武田邦彦 (中部大学): 【緊急】政府、文科省、NHKは直ちに行動しなければならない







Tokaimura accident. I have no idea what quantity and what coktail of products they inhalated. But i am sure that inside it was gold 198. For me the "official" dose calculation of biological impact for this radioactive gold 198 are 110000 lower than real. Researchers can be afraid. 

Gold 198 (from Sanskrit Jval), Au; at. mass 196,96654; at. n° 79; m.p. 1064,18°C; b.p. 2856°C; sp. gr. 19,3; Half-life 2,695 days; 2,447E5 Ci/gr; β-; 0,961 MeV; range in tissues of β-: ~4120 μ.The Gold 198 have a physical half-life of 2,695 days, a minimum biological half-life of 3 days an a effective half-life of 1,42 day. (λ physic 2,977E-6, λ biologic 2,674E-6, λ effective 5,651E-6.) The incorporation of 1 Bq of gold 198 conduce after 50 years to suffer (1 Bq/5,651E-6 λe) * 1-(EXP(50*31536000*-5,651E-6)) = 1,770E5 disintegrations β- and absorb 1,77E5 disintegrations * 0,961 MeV * 1,602E-13 Joule per MeV = 2,725E-8 Joule and 0,27246 Erg which dissipate, for IRCP, in a body mass of 32,44 kg... ((1,77E5 Emissions * 0,9610 MeV * 1,602E-6 Erg par MeV * 1 EBR)/(8,400E-10 Sv/Bq * 1 Bq * 100 Erg/gr * 100 Rad/Sv) = 32,44 kg) with a radius of (32436,1479 cm3/(4/3*3,14159))^(1/3) = 19,7840 cm. The particle
β- which penetrate no more than 4120 μ in tissues travel in rational calculation 48 times far away it can physically go... (197839,75 μ/4120 μ = 48,0,2.) In other words the real absorbed dose is reduce 110,73 mille times. (48,02^3 = 110726 or in other way 3,24E4 gr/2,93E-1 gr = 110726.)Calculating the dose produce by one β- particle with 0,961 MeV energy and 4120 μ penetration capacity in tissues: (1 Bq * 0,9610 MeV * 1,602E-6 Erg par MeV * 1 EBR)/((4/3 * 3,14159 * (4120 * 0,0001^3)) gr * 100 Erg/gr * 100 Rad/Sv) = 5,26E-10 Sv/Bq or 0,53 nanoSievert per Becquerel. The committed dose for 1 Bq in 50 years is then (1 Bq/5,65E-6 λ effective s-1 * (1-Exp(50*365*24*60*60 * -5,65E-6 λ effective))) * 5,26E-10 Sv/Bq) = 93,01 microSievert par Becquerel. 
10 hours ago | Sent from Web

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