クレーンのアーム折れる 福島第1原発3号機
約1m脇には3号機使用済み核燃料プール(プールの中には確か、万万が一にの時には270km圏内が致死量になる燃料棒13000本越があるんでしたよね?あれって三号機ではない?どこだっけ?全部どこかに片づけたんでしょうか?っていうかそんな簡単?)を冷却するための設備があったが損傷はなかった。建屋への影響もない。5日午前8時分ごろ、アームが中央付近で折れ曲がるのを作業員が監視モニターで確認した。東電がホームページで公開している第1原発の中継映像でも、アームが突然、折れる様子が記録されていた。このクレーンは3号機建屋上部のがれきを撤去するため、2011年8月に設置された。この日の作業予定はなかった。折れた部分に亀裂があり、東電は金属部分が劣化した可能性もあるとみて原因を調べている。敷地周辺のモニタリングポストで計測される放射線量に目立った変化はないという。 <中央付近(矢印)でアームが折れた福島第1原発3号機脇の大型クレーン。アームの先端部が画面右側方向の地面に向かって落下し、くの字になった =5日(東京電力提供)>
ZComme Zorglubさんから、多くの方の目に触れるように公開してくださいとあったので、ブログに投稿しておきました。
Paolo Scampa
Kumiko. A friend metalurgist contact you by mail. Cyrille Roger. I give your mail.
Very important. All capacity at Fukushima are at risk corrosion. because employed bad inox. Big immediate danger. Please if you can help him found contacs in JP. for alert. You can conctat him by skype too.
- Conversation started today
Hi Kumiko !
I've obtained your e-mail adress throught Paolo Scampa, I've explained to him the dangers of corrosion occurring on the storage stanks farms, you need absolutely to spread this technical truth, that can lead to an integral disaster on the ruins of this nuclear complex.
So, please, I'm using Skype an d I can speak a very correct English, I have some technical elements to translate ASAP in Japanese, people of Japan deserves the truth and the better ways to struggle against this pending disaster.
My pseudo is " rcyelle " (Mr Cyrille ROGER, located near Compiègne, France)
Thank you for your quick reply.
Now, I'm gathering technical informations in a Word document, with some illustrations about what could occur VERY SOON in Fukushima-Daiichi storages tanks.
It will be great to explain to you what's happening there, and what will definitively occur.
Best regards ! Ganbaro Nippon !
ZComme Zorglub
yep, Paolo explained to me that you are not involved into any technical field.the only way to avoid that should be to construct somewhere new tanks, made in a much more resistant stainless steel alloy, and transfer the contaminated water. In order to remove EACH tank, as soon as possible.
ZComme Zorglub
well, the text is under preparation
but tepco has issued new reports
Kumiko Meg Omi
and what do you recommend us?
do you have any good idea?
ZComme Zorglub
these two reports are exactly the problem
Kumiko Meg Omi
she has already knewn
ZComme Zorglub
yes I have good ideas
Kumiko Meg Omi
pls give me
ill hand it to her
ZComme Zorglub
well, in very short lines
ZComme Zorglub
this stainless steel is magnetic, and have a poor resistance against halogens compounds, like Chloride ions. So, If the water is tainted with Iodine (due to the sea) or chloride ion (salt, etc...), then this stainless steel will corrode from inside AND outside
the result is that the tank can literally explode, under the pressure of water
if it happens, the next tanks, which are weakened by the same corrosion level will also explode, releasing huge quantities of ultraradioactive water. It will lead to the impossibility for a man to stay here for almost 300 years to come.
ZComme Zorglub
the only option to avoid this pending disaster is to built ASAP new tanks, made with an another stainless steel, called "DUAL PHASE"
because there is 2 mechanism
ZComme Zorglub
when you are welding a ferritic stainless steel, the grains which constitutes this alloy will grow. Like this :
ZComme Zorglub
that's a very good idea to submit these elements to experts
it will save the situation there
ZComme Zorglub
the ferritic stainless steel is, when heated, developing BIG crystals, which are very fragile against earthquakes
ZComme Zorglub
so, here is a graphic which explains the diffrences of corrosion resistance level of several alloys
ZComme Zorglub
On this table, you have 3 different families of stainless steel
ZComme Zorglub
The ferritic has been chosen by TEPCO for constructing plenty of tanks for radioactive water. IT IS A CRIMINAL CHOICE. This stainless steel only contains Chromium, which is useful for washing machines or exhaust lines on cars. It's not costing a lot of money.
ZComme Zorglub
The ferritic has been chosen by TEPCO for constructing plenty of tanks for radioactive water. IT IS A CRIMINAL CHOICE. This stainless steel only contains Chromium, which is useful for washing machines or exhaust lines on cars. It's not costing a lot of money.
The Austenitic stainless steels are the alloys like "304", "316", "317L", "904"... they have an improved level of corrosion resistance
ZComme Zorglub
BUT they can't withstand even LOW LEVELS of Chloride ions ! 50 parts per MILLION (50 ppm) are enough to do this !
ZComme Zorglub
And what TEPCO is now showing on their last reports ?
ZComme Zorglub
Here are some leaks pictured by TEPCO. Reports available today !
ZComme Zorglub
So, the only option to avoid a corrosion by halogens and chloride ions is to choose the last family of stainless steel grade : the DUAL-PHASE family
the Duplex Stainless steel is a melange of Ferrite crystals, mixed in a austenitic matrix, which enhances the P.R.E.N (Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number). It's a family with high mechanical characteristics features & improved corrosion resistance.
so, the only option is to built new tanks from Duplex stainless alloy, and to pump down the radioactive water for transferring it into new tanks, which could be built much far away than existing ones, and then to dismantle every old tanks made in ferritic stainless steel
it's a titanic work to do, and humans will not support it
ZComme Zorglub
so, there is an another option, which could to built a completely new device, a kind of giant insect, which can use 6 legs, with hydraulic jacks, in order to perform the construction work instead of humans
the 6 legs are important there for having a freedom of movements, and not destroying the land with overpressure
ZComme Zorglub
the hydraulic jacks are very efficient (90% of efficiency), which could be helpful with Diesel engine which could create high-pressure oil
i willgive to you an example of this "mechanical bug"
Imagine this kind of equipment, with 6 legs, and 20 meters tall. The more you are far from the radioactive source, the better it is.
ZComme Zorglub
So, with a 6-legged robot, you are stable, you can move easily, you're not punching the ground with overpressure. And you can use a heavy shield for being protected against radiation. That's the best option to be done
yep, I've finished my explanations
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